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Italian Types Graphic Designers from Italy in America

An exhibition curated by Patricia Belen, Greg D’Onofrio, Melania Gazzotti.

Italian graphic design has had a lasting influence on the American visual and cultural landscape. From Fortunato Depero’s move to New York City in 1928 to Unimark International’s corporate identity work of the 1960’s and 70’s, Italian graphic designers were living and publishing important work in the U.S in the last century. Their enthusiasm, experimental attitudes and new modern approaches attracted prominent clients in progressive cities including New York and Chicago, and gave them the opportunity to create iconic projects such as the New York City Subway System Map, designed by Massimo Vignelli (1972).

Italian Types features works by Fortunato Depero, Paolo Garretto, Costantino Nivola, Leo Lionni, George Giusti, Albe Steiner, Erberto Carboni, Romaldo “Aldo” Giurgola, Roberto Mango, Giovanni Pintori, Bruno Munari, Franco Grignani, Heinz Waibl, Giulio Cittato, Bob Noorda and Massimo Vignelli. The advertisements, posters, magazines, albums, book covers and corporate identity featured in the exhibition offer an overview of the achievements of Italians in the field of graphic design in America, and address their distinctive graphic language.

The selection includes designers who worked for American clients while living in Italy and others who created new lives by moving to America. Whether they succeeded right away or suffered hardships, their personal and professional experiences shed light not only on graphic design, but also identity, politics, migration, historiography and the journey of the human spirit.

On the occasion of the exhibition, Corraini Editore will publish a catalogue with essays by Steven Heller, Patricia Belen, Greg D’Onofrio, Alessandro Colizzi and Alexander Tochilovsky, with designer biographies by Melania Gazzotti.

A panel with the contributors of the catalogue will be held at Cooper Union on April 3, 2019.


In collaboration with:

The Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

and with the support of:

AIAP Associazione italiana design della comunicazione visiva

Reservation no longer available

  • Organized by: ICI