On the occasion of the XXIII edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World (16-22 October 2023) with the theme “Italian and Sustainability”.
Fostering sustainable development is the challenge of the future, and one that can no longer be postponed. At the forefront is, as always, education. Even the teaching of a foreign language, therefore, cannot escape the task of raising awareness among students, of all cultures, of respect for the environment, for climate change, for the wise use of natural resources, etc. The basic principles of sustainability are applicable in all fields. To the classic ones concerning the environment, others can also be added, including that of education as a whole and of language education in particular.
These issues will be discussed by speakers invited to the opening of Italian Language Week 2023 at the event held at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York,
engaging in a dialogue with the audience. For more information click here
FABIO FINOTTI – Director of the Italian Cultural Institute
FABRIZIO DI MICHELE – Consul General, Consulate General of Italy, New York
VALERIO DE CESARIS – President at the University for Foreigners of Perugia
ANTONELLA VALOROSO – Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation
ANTHONY J. TAMBURRI – President, J.D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
CUNY SILVANA MANGIONE – Deputy Secretary General CGIE for the English-speaking area
October 16th, 2023 | 4.30 PM – Italian Cultural Institute – 686 Park Avenue, NY – RSVP at iicny.rsvp@gmail.com