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“Senza Rossetto” – “Without Lipstick”

Regesta.exe, l’Audio Archive of the Workers Democratic Movement and l’ANPI Rome, as part of the #iorestoacasa series of initiatives, have made available online the movie “Senza Rossetto”, by Silvana Profeta, a project on the female imagination on the eve of June 2, 1946 when they got to cast their vote for the first time.


“Senza Rossetto” “Without lipstick” is a collection of memoirs by Italian women who went to vote for the first time (without lipstick on their lips, in order not to dirty the ballot that had to be moistened and glued, under penalty of invalidation) for the administrative elections of March – April 1946 and subsequently, on June 2, 1946, for the election of a Constituent Assembly and the choice between Republic or Monarchy.

Through the personal and intimate stories of Elena, Marisa, of the twins Silvia and Monalda, of Luigina, Angela and many others and their unique perception of the idea of voting – concession or conquest or natural consequence of the times, as a right or as a duty – the project highlights the symbolic and political importance that the vote had on the idea of Self. It also aims at reactivating memories of the past and the social and political climate of an era – dictatorship, war, anti-fascism, freedom achieved – and triggering reflections on the present and the future